Making the world take notice.
Following the success of the brand work, the DesignStudio team was asked to conceptualise and create Depop’s first ever global campaign.

Starting with the community.
As with our original brand project, where better to start than Depop’s own bottomless well of creativity — the community?

From y2k to your local haute couture trash boutique.
As well as the community using every item listing as an opportunity for creative expression, we saw that people were bringing their own spirit and attitude to the humble profile bio.
Rather than write headlines that capture the essence of the community, we chose some of the most creative and refreshing bios to do the talking for us. Tagging the user as well to put them front and centre.

Bespoke taglines to match the users.
For each of our different featured users and bio-based headlines, I created a bespoke tagline to connect the functionality of Depop with the different users.

The campaign grabbed people’s attention across the London Underground, New York Subway and fly posters in Brooklyn.